The Electoral College

Main Objective

Students will analyze the processes involved and the reasons we use the electoral college system of presidential selection and the strategy required for a successful victory.

Additional Objectives

  • be able to define the role of an elector and how electors are chosen.
  • understand the Framer’s original plans, reasoning for the plan, and changes that have been made over time.
  • debate pros and cons of the electoral college system and various alternative plans proposed for electing the president.
  • analyze historical and current election information in various forms as evidence in the creation of their victory campaign strategy.
Minute Curriculum


  • An Introduction to the Electoral College and the Results that Affect the Election
  • A Lecture on The Electoral College w/ Interactive Notes
  • A Group Exercise on the Pros and Cons of the Way We Elect Our President
  • A Partner/Group Exercise on Winning the Electoral College and the Presidency


Other Resources: Day 7 References

Homework: Electoral Map Campaign Strategy Assignment – Each student should create a written campaign strategy for either the Republican or Democratic Party that attains at least 270 electoral votes. At a minimum, this strategy should contain a description of the states that are ‘safe’ and those that are in-play as ‘swing states’ with the amount of time that needs to be focused on each state to win.

Minute Curriculum


  • An Introduction to the Electoral College and the Results that Affect the Election
  • A Lecture on The Electoral College w/ Interactive Notes
  • A Group Exercise on the Pros and Cons of the Way We Elect Our President
  • A Partner/Group Exercise on Winning the Electoral College and the Presidency


Other Resources: Day 7 References

Homework: Electoral Map Campaign Strategy Assignment – Each student should create a written campaign strategy for either the Republican or Democratic Party that attains at least 270 electoral votes. At a minimum, this strategy should contain a description of the states that are ‘safe’ and those that are in-play as ‘swing states’ with the amount of time that needs to be focused on each state to win.

Minute Curriculum


  • An Introduction to the Electoral College and the Results that Affect the Election
  • A Lecture on The Electoral College w/ Interactive Notes


Other Resources: Day 7 References

Homework: Electoral Map Campaign Strategy Assignment – Each student should create a written campaign strategy for either the Republican or Democratic Party that attains at least 270 electoral votes. At a minimum, this strategy should contain a description of the states that are ‘safe’ and those that are in-play as ‘swing states’ with the amount of time that needs to be focused on each state to win.


Iowa Core: SS.9-12.PSCL.1
Understand the rights and responsibilities of each citizen and demonstrate the values of lifelong civic action.
Iowa Core: SS.9-12.PSCL.4
Understand the differences among the complex levels of local, state and national government and their inherent, expressed, and implied powers.
Iowa Core: SS.9-12.PSCL.5
Understand strategies for effective political action that impact local, state, and national governance.
Iowa Core: SS.9-12.PSCL.6
Understand how law and public policy are established at the local, state, and national levels of government.
Iowa Core: SS.9-12.H.2
Understand how and why people create, maintain or change systems of power, authority, and governance.
Iowa Core: WHST.11-12.7
Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
Iowa Core: RH.11-12.7
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem.